Fueling for Performance and Recovery

Being a former All-American collegiate swimmer and spending 13 years as a Division I college coach, I've found that most athletes and coaches lack the knowledge to properly fuel and recover their bodies through nutrition.  Traditionally, the mindset around swimming nutrition has been to eat as many calories as possible because it will be burned off through training.  This may be true that the calories are burned, however, the fuel going into the body may not always be the most ideal fuel for the athlete.  Properly learning timelines and needs before and after practice can properly keep an athlete fueled and recovered with easy techniques to implement.

We'll discuss ways you can educate your athletes on nutrition for fueling and recovery, we'll talk about ways athletes and teams can work with our programs independently to find an individual nutrition blueprint through genetic and food sensitivity testing.  These programs not only help the athlete and parents know how to look for the right kind of fuel for each athlete, they also assist coaches in knowing more about how each athlete's body operates in and out of the pool.



Achieving true insight & individualization in swimming, introducing Swimming Strong’s Race Analysis and 3MT Physiological Profiling systems.


Developing a team from scratch